Weed Control in Agricultural Crops: Weed management plays major role in the crop production. It was estimated that for every sq.m there will be 30,000 thousand weed seeds. The weeds will compete with the crop upto 60 DAS. So, timely management of weeds by using appropriate weedicides can help to reduce the weed infestation there by increasing the crop yield of the farmers.
Transplanted paddy:
Nursery: In order to reduce the Echinochloa colona apply 400ml pretilachlor by mixing in 20 kgs of sand and 500ml water 2-3 days after sowing. Slight irrigation should be given 2-3 days after the weedicide application. 15 days after sowing to reduce grass weeds spray cyhalofap butyl 400ml by mixing in 200lt of water per acre. To control the broad-leaved weeds at nursery stage spray bispyribac Sodium 10%SC @ 80ml/290 litres of water.
Main field: 3-5 days after transplanting drain the water upto 3-5cm from the field and apply 2,4-D Ethyl Esther 4.5% G 4kg + butachlor 5%G by mixing in 20kg coarse sand. (or) apply Pyrazosulfyron ethyl 10% WP @ 80g or Oxadiargyl 80% WP @ 35g by mixing in 20kg of sand and one litre of water per acre. 15-20 DAT to reduce the grassy weeds drain thi firm of water and spray Cyhalofop-butyl 10% EC @400ml/200 litre of water. Also spray 100ml Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC by mixing in 50litres of water for post emergent control of grassy and broad-leaved weeds. Post emergent application of 2,4-D Sodium salt 80% WP@ 400g per 200 litres of water can reduce the Goose weed Sphenoclea zeylancia. Over dose of this weedicide may turn thw whole crop into red. So, apply nitrogenous fertilizes as top dressing immediately after spraying of the herbicide.

Weed Control in Agricultural Crops
Direct seeded paddy: pre-emergent application of Pyrazosulfyron ethyl 10% WP @ 80g/acre by mixing in 200 litres of water at 8-10 DAS can reduce the grassy weeds. (or) Spray Cyhalofop-butyl 10% EC @250ml/200 litre of water. Per acre within 15-20 DAS can reduce the Echinochloa colona weed. In order to reduce the post-emergent broad leaved weeds spray 2,4-D Sodium salt 80% WP @600g/200 litres of per one acre at 25-30 DAS
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Maize: To reduce pre-emergence of grassy & broad-leaved weeds spray Atrazine 50%WP @ 800g for light soils & 1200g for heavy soils by mixing in 200 litres of water per acre within 24-48 DAS. Post emergent application of 2,4-D Sodium Salt @ 500g/200 litres of water 30 DAS can reduce the broad leaves sedges & hedges.
Jowar/Bajra: Spray Atrazine 50% WP @ 4g/lt of water i.e., 600-800g/acre immediately 24-48 DAS with optimum moisture in the soil. 20 DAS spray 2,4-D Sodium Salt 80% WP @ 400g/acre to reduce the post emergence of weeds.
Ragi: To reduce the pre-emergence of weeds spray Pendimethalin 30% EC @5ml/lt of water immediately after sowing. 25-30 DAS to reduce the broad-leaved weeds spray 2,4-D Sodium Salt 80% WP @ 400g/acre i.e., 2g/lt of water.
Cotton: Spray Pendimethalin 30% EC @ 1.5lt/acre within 24-48 DAS. To reduce the post emergence of weeds spray practice proper weeding at weekly intervals. When the weed density is more due to the severe rains spray Pyribac Sodium 10% EC @ 250ml/acre i.e., 1.5ml/lt of water or Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC @ 400ml/acre.
Sugarcane: one line weeding along the crop row and spade digging of ridges have to be done on 30, 60 and 90 DAP whenever the weed infestation is high. Spray Atrazine 2 kg or Oxyflurofen 750 ml/ha mixed in 600 liters of water as pre-emergence. If the parasitic weed striga is a problem, post-emergence application of 2,4-D sodium salt @ kg/ha in 500 litre of water/ha may be done. 2, 4-D spraying should be avoided when neighbouring crop is cotton or bhendi.
Apply 20% urea also for the control of striga as direct spray. Pre- plant application of glyphosate at 2.0 kg ha-1 along with 2% ammonium sulphate at 21 days before planting of sugarcane followed by post emergence direct spraying of glyphosate at 2.0 kg ha-1 along with 2% ammonium sulphate with a special hood on 30DAP suppressed the nut sedges (Cyperus rotandus) and provided weed free environment. If herbicide is not applied work the junior-hoe along the ridges on 25, 55 and 85 days after planting for removal of weeds and proper stirring. Remove the weeds along the furrows with hand hoe.
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