Cherry Farming: Farmers in the picturesque Kashmir Valley faced significant challenges this year as their cherry crops bore the brunt of uncharacteristic and heavy rainfall. Cherries are a lifeline for these farmers, as they provide crucial additional income during May and June when other fruits are not in season.
Traditionally, Kashmir cultivates eight different varieties of cherries, with mishri and makhmali being among the most popular. However, the year brought unexpected hardships, as relentless downpours and damaging hailstorms wreaked havoc on the cherry orchards, rendering the fruit unsellable. This devastating turn of events resulted in a staggering 75% reduction in cherry production, leaving farmers and consumers alike in a difficult position.
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Cherry Orcharding
Interestingly, it was observed that the traditional cherry varieties suffered more significantly from the adverse weather conditions compared to the newer cherry varieties imported from Europe. These European varieties exhibited better resilience to the local climate, sparking interest among some farmers to consider transitioning to these hardier cultivars.
The unusual and excessive rainfall experienced this year disrupted the ideal growing conditions for cherries in Kashmir. With approximately 3.3 million people in Kashmir directly or indirectly reliant on agriculture, the cherry industry plays a pivotal role in the region’s economy. This year’s erratic weather patterns characterized by increased rainfall and reduced sunshine, have raised concerns about the sustainability of agriculture in the area.
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Cherry Orcharding
The changing climate has presented significant challenges, with frequent rainfall and unexpected weather phenomena. The government has taken notice of the plight of the farmers and has compiled reports outlining the losses suffered by them. These reports have been forwarded to the disaster management department for further consideration.
The heavy and unusual rainfall adversely impacted cherry farmers in Kashmir, leading to substantial losses. While traditional cherry varieties were hit the hardest, newer European varieties showed greater resilience. The changing weather patterns are a cause for concern, affecting both farming and the regional economy. The government is actively addressing the issues faced by farmers, and the reports on losses incurred are under review. This year’s unexpected weather has posed considerable challenges to cherry farming in the Kashmir Valley.
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