Agriculture Crops: A piece of land which is cultivated with the same plant in large quantity harvested extensively for the profit subsistence is called agriculture crops. Based on their requirements for the people there are divided into some types. The growing of crops in a land depends on the nature of climatic requirements.
The crops grown in the land depend on the seasonal management and based on they are divided into three types
Kharif season crop
Zabi season crop
Rabi seasonc crop
The kharif season is also know Rainy season crop.The rainy season start from the month of June to July and they start grown the seeds in the month of June and harvested in the month of October. Crops grown in the season Eg: Maize, paddy, soyabean, Groundnut, cotton, Redchillies , Turmeric etc..
The zabi season is also known as summer season. The crops grown in this month require warm day weather and longer day length .The summer season start in theonth of march and Start sowing seeds in the march and harvested in the month of May. Crops grown in this season Eg: paddy, Groundnut, watermelon, sunflower, pumpkin, maize,etc..
The Rabi season is also known as spring/ winter crop.The spring season start in the month of November during this month start sowing seeds and harvested in the month of February.Crops grown in this season Eg:wheat, sunflower,Barley, safflower,Mustard etc..
Basic principles of crop production
For the production of tbe crop they need on better management of soil, plants and Environment to get maximum profit per unait of acre.
When ever to cultivate a crop variety it should have particular climate condition,soil fertility,season and method of cultivation and benefits to the crop.
We can adopt multiple cropping, mixed and inter cropping in the same land but they should be harvested at particular climatic conditions.
Crop are of different types like Food crop,ceral crop, pulse crop, oil seed crop, ornamental crop, Fibre crop.etc…
Food crops are the crops which are used for the consumption of human beings.Based on the food crops they are divided into many types like cerals_ Rice, wheat ,Maize, Sorghum, Ragi, Pulses,
Vegetables, Fruits and Nuts.
The wheat contain protein called gluetin which is present in the form of nitrogen
It is the king of cereals.
For the cultivation of crop it requires 45_50 cm of irrigation of water to the crop
The cultivation of rice the clay and clay loam soil is required.
It is staple food which is consumed by many countries.
Rice is C3 and short day plant.
The gas emitted by rice is Methane gas
Rice requires 500 liters of water for 1 kg of rice.
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Agriculture Crops
Maize is queen of cereals
Maize is the C4 plant.
Maize contain protein known as zeatin.
Maize used for different purposes like sweet corn ,baby corn ,pop corn and also for fodder purpose.
The sorghum contain 11% of protein
It is aC4 and short day plant
Used for the fodder purpose also
The ornamental crops are cultivated for the commercial prupose.These ornamental plants include decorating flowers, used for beauty purpose,most of the ornamental plants don’t produce food and they only gives us smell and colour.
Eg: Tulip,English lavender,Gerbera, chrysanthemum etc..
Cash crops are the crops which are cultivated to sell in the market.Now a days huge area is used for the cultivation of cash crops.tea
These cash crops are cultivated only for the money purpose
Eg: cotton ,tobacco,coffe,rubber,
Based on the requirements and availability of food that human depends on the particular crops. So based on requirment the crops are cultivated with different techinques and method in Agriculture.
Based on the climatic conditions
For the cultivation of agriculture crop it also requires the climatic conditions to grow crops and they divide into
The tropical crops are the crops which are grown through out the year the crops grown in the region where it gets humidity and high temperature .In theese tropical crop most of the fruit crops include like Banana,papaya, Guava, Coconut, Pineapple,… and cerals crops like Rice,sugarcane,Jowar etc
Temperature crops are the crops grown in particular season and some months.These temperature crops grow where the temperature is very hot are very cool.The crops grown in the region are Apple,Pear,plum,peach, Almond,Apricot.
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