Agricultural Crops: Agriculture crops are the plants which are grown and harvested to produce grains,cereals,fruit etc,The Cultivation of agriculture are divided into different types like pulses,cereals, industrial crop,oil, crops, ornamental crop.More than 60% of population depends on the directly or indirectly on Agriculture. Agriculture provides the economy to the human and also livestock .Based on the crops grown in agriculture it depends on the climate and seasonal management.
The tropical climate are the crops grown in
well in warm and hot climate conditions. The tropical temperature ranges from 18⁰C throughout the year .The climate is frost _ free with high temperature and support throughout the year to grow the same crop. The latitude of this region is called the tropic of cancer / tropic of Capricorn.
The crops grown in the tropical climate are:
Bananas ,Pineapples , Coconuts, Cocoa ,beans Coffee ,beans ,Rubber trees,Maize, Sorghum,pearl millet

Tropical Fruits
In tropical again the subtropical climate is classified
The subtropical climate crops can tolerate colder than the tropical crops.In subtropical climate the temperature is warm to hot ,and in summer cool to mild winter.The subtropical region is about 10⁰C to latitude of N_ S region.
Fruits grown in subtropical region
Grape,Longan,Lychee ,tomato,potato,rice.

Subtropical Fruits
Temperature region having the mild temperatures areas. The temperate region lies between subtropical region and polar region.The temperature in tropical region is65⁰C no extreme cool or extreme hot.
Fruits grown in temperate region:
Growing Garlic,Rice,Tomato,Artichoke,Onion
Based on the seasonal classification the different crops are grown in the different seasons. They are divided into different types
Kharif season crops
The term kharif means Autumn in Arabic form. The seeds are sown in the beginning of these season .The first rains occurs in June to July during the South – west monsoon season and harvested in the month of the October
The crops grown in kharif season are:
Maize ,paddy ,soya bean sorghum, cotton groundnut ,Red chillies, turmeric etc. These kharif season crops depend upon the rainfall.During the growing season and. 18–32 °C (64–90 °F) during ripening of fruits.
The term Rabi means spring in Arabic .Rabi /winter crops or spring harvest crops are sown in the month of November during the North East monsoon and the crops are harvested in the month of February. If the rain occurs very heavily then it affects the winter season crops but good for kharif season crops
The crops grown in Rabi season are Wheat,pea, chickpea, sunflower,barley, safflower,Mustard etc.
The Zaid/summer crop is mainly sown in the month of March and the crops is harvested in the month of May. The crops grown in this season required warm and dry weather for the Major growth period and longer day length for flowering. These seasonal crops require a short day to grow in the summer months. The rain is required to get early mature.The crops grown in this season are:groundnut, sunflower maze,Ridgrguard, watermelon pumpkin, cucumber , paddy etc.
Also Read: Agriculture Crops: Cultivation of Agriculture crop based on seasonal and climatic conditions.