Irrigation System: Irrigation system is the application of the water to the crops to get sufficient amount of water and nutrients by the artificial method . The water is supplied through the pipes and in the drought areas because of lack of water it is more important to supply water to the crops. The different crops required different amount of water to crops based on viability and the season .
The water is supplied from the bores,lakes,ponds,tubes through different irrigation methods. The irrigation system is divided into different types based on that the water as well as the nutrients is supplied to the crop. The crop required water for their growth and development. The irrigation offers moisture of to the soil.
Types of irrigation system
Surface irrigation is the distribution of water over the soil surface. It is the common method of irrigation. The water from the ponds / lake/ from bores is allowed in to the fields .The furrows are made to allow the water and distribute to the each row in the fields. These surface system is one of the best method as it allows the water to the each and every plant .These method is easily implement with low cost.In these surface system they again divide into the basin system, border system,furrow system.
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Irrigation System
Sprinkler irrigation is the more than type of irrigation system in this system the water is sprinkled in the same way as in rain perpendicular pipes having rotating nozzle are attached to horizontal pipes in this system the watery supplied to each and every plant and this system is controlled by human it is used for in uneven land this efficient.It is available as well as on these soils through the nozzles the water sprinkled on the crop this system is very useful for the formers by the system the water can be saved.
Drip irrigation or trickle irrigation is one of the irrigation system in which the water is supplied in the droplet manner to the fields.These system has the capacity to save the water and nutrients supply to the crop. In these system the water passes from the tubes/ pipes depending on the designed installed in the . field.Each and every plant absorb water the root zone.It is more efficient than other system.
Sub irrigation system is used in green houses production crops and these system requires labour to supply water and nutrients to the plants. These system is also called zero run off system . It is one of the advantage water system that supply water and nutrients to crops,green house and it is like hydroponic system.In these system the water is captured and restore and can be reuse again and it is more efficient system.
Manual irrigation is the type of irrigation which is done manually the water is supplied by the man to plant to plant.It doesn’t required any technique and It is used in having soil in less infiltration. It is cheapest cost and used in small holder farmers.It is not used in large areas.
Center pivot irrigation system is also known water_ wheel and circle moving system. It is mainly used in the us these system is effective on large areas.It consist of large pipes with sprinkler position.The center pivot system pipes are u shaped manner in the fields.
The advantage of irrigation system it provides the fresh water to the crop and provide moisture to the soil .
Provide the soil fertility
Increase the yield
Prevevt the pesticides and disease
Uniform application of water to the crop and develops the germination
Time and labour Saving process
Used of different crops and less soil erosion.
Softeting of the for better tillage
Ecnomic development.
Wind effect is considerable
Over irrigation leads to the water logging in the fields..
More cost of implement
Excess water may lead to occur disease nad also health problems.
Required high skill of installment nad maintaince
More electricity is required for the water to supply.
Pipes are destroy or broken leads to damage.
It is not suitable for the crops which are grown in below the ground areas.
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