Pesticides: Pesticides bare the substance which are used for preventing ,destroying and controlling of pest,unwanted species of the plants or animals ,causing damage to the crop or otherwise interfering with the production processing,storages or the substances that may be administered to control of thr insect pesticides.
When the plants are affected with the insect pests it cause major damage to the crop and to reduce these pesticides the chemical fertilizers are applied then it leads to cause of environment pollution. So by using of these pesticides which are made from natural substances like plants,animals and certain minerals.
Based on biodegradable they are two types
Biodegradable : These biodegradable pesticides which break down the microbes and other pest into harmless compounds
Persistent: These persistent type takes more time or years to break down the pest.
Biochemical pesticides: These biopesticides are natural occuring Pesticides that control the pest bby non – toxic mechanism.
The conventional pesticides,by contrast,are generally synthetic materials that directly kill or inactive the pests.And these substances interfere with the mating, such as sex pheromone traps as well as the various secreted plant extracts that attracts the insect pest to trap.sometimes it difficult to determine the substance meets that classify as biochemical Pesticides.
These microbial pesticides consists of micro organisms i.e.( bacterium,fungus, virus or protozoa)
as the active ingredient.These microbial pests can control many different types of Pesticides although the active ingredient is relatively specific for its target pest.
Eg: The fungi kill some specific pests and some fungi controls the weeds in the crop.
These pesticidal substance produce from plants have a genetic material that had been added to plant.
Eg: The scientist have taken a gene from the Bt Pesticidal protein and introduce the gene into plants own genetic material Then the plant instead of bacterium , manufacture the substance that destroys the pest.The protein and it’s genetic material but not the plant itself,are regulated by EPA
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DUSTS: These dusts are free flowering powder contains active Ingredient or the technical material in the range of 2_10 % and inert material.
Granules: The granule contain active ingredient in the range Of 3_10% and granule base
These are similar to dispersible powders but active ingredient is soluble in water.
These are similar to liquid formulations based on technical material, which are soluble in water contain 36_86% active ingredient and solvent
The liquid formulations are based on technical material,which are not soluble in water and contain20_80 % active ingredient solvent abd emulsifier= toxicant+ solvent+ emulsifier
These fumigants are formulations to grain storages .particle size of smoke ranges 0.001_0.1 m
These are thick slurry like formulations mixable in water
These are the liquid under pressure filled in a cans , which upon release give a misty spray ie aerial solution.The particle droplets size0.1_50 m
These biopesticides are less toxic than conventional pesticides
These Pesticides affected only targeted pest and closely organisms, in contrast to broad spectrum ,conventional pesticides that may affect organisms ad different as birds, insects, and mammals
Biopesticides are often effective in very small quantities and other decompose quickly resulting in lower exposures and largely avoiding the pollution problems caused by conventional pesticides.
IPM(INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT) can greatly reduce the use of conventional pesticides, while crop yields remain high.
Use pesticides had great deal about managing pests and must carefully follows.
These toxics chemical when applied to crop affects the environment.Though each pesticide affect and kill the each pest some pesticides reach the targeted insects and affect the pest.
The use of these affect the biodiversity in the soil. If we use non chemical pesticides will increase the soil fertility and higher water retention, and not cause harm to environment and increase plant growth
These pesticides when applied in crop will enter into air,water and sediments.
These pesticides some times will affect the human health such as cancer,chronic disorders etc
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