Livestock: Live stock is the management and care of the domesticated animals by humans for commercial purpose of for profit. In livestock farming only specific breed are raising to promote the desirable traits in animals.
These livestock are raised in a specific agriculture area to produce labour, and also get products like milk,meat,wool, eggs etc
Based on the animals there are different type of livestock farms are there. For the rearing of these they should have proper idea for the raring of these animals and they should have separate farms for these
Cattle are the most common type of domesticated animal.They are wide spread species.They belongs to family Bovinae.
Cattle are livestock for meat and for dairy animals for the milk and others products.
Cow milk is light yellow in colour or creamy in colour due to presence of carotene and cow milk white in colour it contain casein and the carbohydrates or sugar constituent of the milk is lactose and milk are rich in vitamin D.The gestation period of cattle is 282 days.
Indian buffalo belongs to family:Bubalus Bulbalis.
The worlds first in vitro fertilized buffalo calf was pratham.
Also Read: Pesticides: Pesticides and Classes of Pesticides, Effects and Advantages of Pesticides

Animal Husbandry and their Diseases
Disease of the cattle
Foot and mouth disease are most common . In the cattle. These disease occurs mostly in india either directly or indirectly contacted with water,manure and when ever we absorb symptoms like fever we should consult a veterinary doctor for treatment.
The cattle should be given fodder like straws, sprouted grains, maize straw,forage crop like grass,legumes etc.
Sheep are ruminant mammals typically kept as livestock The population of sheep are more in Australia .The adult female sheep is called ewe and the male sheep is called Ram. A castrated male as a wether younger sheep as a lamb. The gestation period of sheep is 150 days .The wool produced from the sheep is maximum in india i.e in Rajasthan.Sheep milk are rich in vitamin_A,E these sheep milk give more energy than cows and goat milk .sheep wool is mostly used animal fiber is usually harvested by shearing The wool is used for making of clothes .
Disease of sheep
These the viral disease of sheep.These disease are significant in the sheep and these are manifested with the high mortality in Yong lambs and abortion in younger lambs . These disease is most infected diseases and transmitted to humans .so humans should take precautions while handlings these virus sheep’s
Contagious ecthyms: These is highly pox virus disrases of sheep’s manifested by the occurrence of the pustular and scabby lesions on the lips ,udder
Blue tongue disease
Blue tongue is the viral disease of sheep.These disease or mostly occur in African region.The disease occur by bitting of insects and mosquitoes.
Goat Is also known as poor man’s cow.The goat reffered to family Bovidae are closely related to sheep.The gestation period of goat is 310 days. There are more than 300 different species of goat.The goat are mainly used for milk,skin and meat. From the milk of goat the cheese is made .These makes them ruminant regulate on climbing trees.
Fodder for goat
The fodder used for goat are leguminous crops like cowpea,stylo grass, maize ,Naiper grass etc.
Diseases of goat
Foot and mouth disease,ketosis,Lumpy jaw
Poultry are domesticated birds are kept by humans for meat,for the eggs they produce or sometimes as pest.
The India rank fourth largest producer of eggs in the world.
The word poultry come from the Latin word
The poultry bird produce egg and the egg yolk is due to the presence of pigment Xanthophyll. The egg quality is determined by candling.
Andhra Pradesh is the state having largest number of poultry and largest number of eggs in India.
Disease of poultry
Fowl cholera, Diarrhoea,Ranikhet ,Marek’s disease,
Management of farms
To set up afarm we should have knowledge and ideas.Selection of high breed varieties for the increase of farm production and supply of proper nutritious source to the animals.For every month the animals should be check up by the veterinary doctors and every day they should be washed. Farm management helps the farmers to conduct the farm activities in many ways.
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