PJTSAU: In the international year of millet, 2023, ICAR- Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad and Professor Jayasankar Telangana Agricultural University (PJTSAU), Hyderabad are jointly organizing the combined 58th Annual group meeting (AGM) of AICRP (All India coordinated research project) on Pearl millet, 53rd AGM of Sorghum and 34th AGM of Small millets at the auditorium of ICAR- Indian Institute of Rice Research, Hyderabad during 10 – 11th July, 2023 in hybrid mode.
The session on 10th July 2023 will start with a brain storming session that will dwell upon “Enhancing Area, Production and Productivity of Millets in the Changing Scenario of Demand”. The session will be chaired by Dr. T.R. Sharma, DDG (Crop Science), ICAR, Co-chaired by Dr. S.K. Pradhan, ADG (FFC), ICAR DR. P. Raghurami Reddy, Director of Research, PJTSAU, Hyderabad and convened by Dr. C. Tara Satyavathi, Director, ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad.

During the session subject matter specialists, various stake holders, policy experts will deliberate upon current status of millets farming and markets, the cutting edge technologies to improve the area, production and productivity of millets. Millets are the right candidate crops possessing climate resilience that help in mitigating poverty, hunger and help in meeting the sustainable Development goals (SDG).
The progress report of experiments undertaken in various disciplines like Crop improvement, Crop production, protection, Front line demonstrations, breeder seed production, Millets genetic resource management during the year 2022-23, and the technical program for 2023-24 will be presented and discussed by the respective Principal investigators for Pearl millet, Sorghum and small millets. This will be followed by Varietal Identification Committee meeting of Millets wherein the release proposals for identification of newly bred varieties will be discussed and recommended.