Integrated Pest Management: Pest defined as the animal which is noxious , destructive or troublesome to human activities or environment.The meaning of pest is plague or continuous disease.
Depending on the importance the pest may be classified as agriculture forest, household ,medical aesthetic and veterinary pest
According to the AFO any species strain or biotype of plant animal or pathogen agent injurious to plants .plant products,man and his intrests .
Contaminated food grain loss is done majorly by different kind of pests in india.serious impact on economic output of the farmers either directly or indirectly.
The pests include insects like,nematodes,mites, snails,slugs and vertebrate like birds,insects, rats..
Integrated pest management Is a system that in the context of association with environment nad population dynamics of the lest species, utilizes all suitable techniques and methods as a compataiable manner as possible and maintain the pest population at levels below causing ennomic injury.
The IPM practices eradicate a pest but to reduce its abudnace to levels that no longer pose an economic threat to plants and animals.
IPM mainly focus on identifying and preventing of the pest with no damage to the environment .
Biological control: These biological control is done through the beneficial insects like bactetia,fungi and nematodes.
These biological method is mainly used in the polyhouses and green houses. Mostly pathogenic and nematodes are used.
Biological control is the method of using natural enemies to control the pest.These can be done by allowing natural enemies and various predators that infevt the pest with a fatial bacteria disease.
Physical control: In the physical control methods mainly the barriers,wind,vaccums are used to control the rodents and insects these barriers will prevent and destruct the pest from the plants.These method mainly used in the crop growing fields but some are used in thr homes.
These barriers are used in mainly in horticultural plants for each plant the barriers are kept to attract the pest. These are made up of plastic and polythene.

Integrated Pest Management
In these methods chemicals are used to control the pest.These pesticides are used when the field is majorly affected by pest. These pest are selected and applied to the affected area and will not cause harm to human beings.
In these method pesticides are uesd to control or prevent, destroy or repel of pests.
Insecticide are used to control the insects. And herbicides to control plant and also nematodes, fungi, bactericides are used to control the bacteria.
These method include the farm operations of pest control in such a way that pests or prevent from the causing of ecnomic loss
To control the insect pest control regular farm operations are performed to destroy the insect and prevent them from causing injury.
Eg crop rotation,tillage practices ,uproting, weedinghand picking of insects from plants.
In these method some chemicals are used to control the insect pest behaviour with out using of toxions
Pheromone traps are used ti control the pest population as theses will distrub the female insect so that they cannot mate with the male insects and doesn’t cause more population in the plants.
These traps should be place at right time.
It is one of the best control methods of insect and pest through the manipulation of its genetic components or other mechanism of inheritance
In these method uses biotechnology by genetic manipulate or by gene transfer method to make plants and pest resistant to specific pests.
Factors accounting for pest outbreak in agro _ ecosystem
Improved agricultural practices
Destruction of forest and bringing forest area into cultivated land
Intensive and extensive Cultivation crops
Introduction of new crop or improved strain/ varieties
Intensive and extensive Cultivation of crop
Introduction of pests from foreign countries through air/ sea ports
For controlling of pest more efforts are taken to reduce damage of insects pest everyday.Everytime track the insect pests and checking the effectiveness of pest controls on the regular basis are the best method to control of insects pest.IPM practices help the people in better way to control pests.
Also Read: Livestock: Animal Husbandry and their Diseases